The Box project
The Box Project by McRostie
The box project by McRostie is new work from McRostie for an upcoming project “Boxes” where I have been exploring the relationship between human form and the confinement of boxes. Which has nothing to do with viral confinement but emotional & social confinement. This project has been going on for two years or more, now with confinement, I have been given the time to pursue it. It will by September by a full body of work ready to exhibit.
To play with form light & shade is always fun for me as I normally tend to see things in black and white so will this subject matter I was absorbed by all the hidden questions you create when you take something out of its normal perspective and place it in a foreign environment. I will be adding finished images to the project as they are finished. Bookmark the page so you can follow the work.
The image above was possibly one of the first shots I took for the Boxes project, which is one of my favored images. It was taken when the idea was very vivid in my mind, but we were just playing with an idea my brain and I. This image demonstrates the freedom of simplicity. Relying on contrast form & composition.
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Martin this is so good love dark mysterious dark shades I will follow your project.